Neighbors Day Logo          

Coming to a community near you!

Neighbor's Day

September 27, 2008

Celebrated for 10 years annually on

the last Saturday of September!

"Building stronger, safer communities through communication."



What are you doing on Neighbor's Day?

From one small gesture of kindness to organizing your community's block party, taking an active role on Neighbor's Day can go a long way towards making our neighborhoods friendlier and safer places to call home.

Goodwill Gesture- Why not take this special day and do something nice for the neighbor who is always there for you when you need them? A plate of food, a thoughtful gift, or a personal thank you will do just fine!

Peace Offering- So somewhere along the way you had a disagreement, and now your energy is spent worrying about making eye contact with the neighbor you feel awkward around. Life is too short when spent focusing on the negative. Take time out today and make amends. A neighborhood needs smiling people too.

Make a New Friend- Due to the fast pace of life, you just haven't been able to find the time to meet the folks down the street. You see them nearly everyday on your way home. Why not take some time on Neighbor's Day and make a personal introduction? It will make your next drive down your street that more friendlier.

Street Sweep- Get with your neighbors and make plans to clean up the common grounds on your block. Designate a time and invite your neighbors to take part in cleaning up the neighborhood. Not only will your street and yards look better, but you will feel better too. As Ohio's Attorney General, Ms. Betty D. Montgomery, says, "A better community equals a better Ohio."

An Evening on the Front Porch- In decades past, folks would spend many evenings sitting on their front porches and visiting with neighbors. Become a visible part of your community.

Open House- Open your doors, and invite your neighbors over. Show some hospitality and hold an open house for the people you share every day of your life with.

Backyard Barbecue- There is nothing in this world better than a picnic! The smells of food, the sound of joyful conversation, and being surrounded smiling familiar faces can make for a very enjoyable occasion.

Block Party- Though sometimes a lot of work, closing down your street to traffic and having a block party can create a cohesive community bond like no other gathering can. But don't go this road alone. Form a committee and contact your local law enforcement officials to find out the correct and legal route to planning your streets block party.




The Welcome Mat
A column  written to reinforce the need for Neighbor's Day and friendlier attitudes nationwide.

Neighbor's Day- The Story (sample chapters), Materials for planning events, awards, posters. (Downloadable)

Lessons + Activities
Plan ahead and get some ideas for the kids... or add your own.
Better Neighbor's Program
Find out how your school can take part in teaching children nationwide how to be better and more responsible neighbors.

  If you or your organization would care to help us, please email us at OR fill out our contact form.  Don't forget to
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